I have dedicated my life to medicine. I have been studying and practicing medicine for over 25 years and over this time I have gained experience in several different medical systems. Each of them opened up another set of tools to help people restore what I feel is our most precious gift: our health.
Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a doctor. I also felt from early age that we are more than just a complicated physical mechanism and that we have an inner dimension (emotional, mental, spiritual) which must be connected with the healing process.
The ultimate quest of my journey as a doctor is to access the place where our being is stimulated to heal from within in a gentle and natural way.
I spent seven years in hospital medicine training to become an internal medicine consultant and have been practising as a GP for the past ten years. I have been a homeopath for the past decade, initially working in collaboration with the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital. I have trained in all three types of homeopathy (classical, sensation, and evolutionary).
I have trained for three years in anthroposophic medicine. This little known but powerful ‘sister of homeopathy’ combines homeopathic principles for making remedies with a modern grounding in physiology and a profound understanding of the spiritual dimensions of the human being.
Before we try to find a resolution to a patient’s suffering, we have to ask the right question: how can we understand the problem fully?
My understanding is that, in addition to a physical body, human beings are endowed with vital energy, an emotional dimension, and a mental and spiritual dimension. The process of illness encompasses all of these.
To attempt to cure in a deep and lasting way, a medical treatment must consider all the dimensions of the human being and work with all of them. |
Every case is unique and cannot be treated by applying pre-designed algorithms in the way one would fix a machine. Until you understand the whole humanity of the patient, including their biography and inner life, you cannot treat the whole human being. |
The only valid cure is the one carried out by nature itself from the inside-out. The current methods of pharmacological medicine merely block the symptoms for a limited length of time without healing the underlying imbalance. |
The symptom is not a pest to be suppressed but the voice of the body expressing a deeper distress. The symptom should be heard, understood, and used as a guide by the therapist in the process of cure. |
Illness is often an opportunity for growth. Shifting deep malfunctioning patterns can allow us to understand ourselves in greater depth and rediscover a sense of meaning and purpose. |
The current medical mindset often employs military language as it attempts to ‘fight disease’ or ‘beat cancer’. It uses ‘anti-acids’, ‘anti-spasmodics’, ‘anti-algics’ etc. This use of language, and the approach it reflects, underlines an adversarial attitude to our own bodies that betrays the laws and innate intelligence of nature within us. This mindset is itself an illness of our times in need of a cure! |
In a real cure, the patient is ultimately freed from all medication whilst the body is restored to its self-reliant dynamic existence. |